Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Progeny Press-The Silver Chair {Homeschool Review Crew}

Progeny Press is not new to us. We have reviewed other study guides in the past. The past few weeks, my eighth grader has been working on The Silver Chair E-Guide, which is designed for grades 5-7.

The interactive study guides can be used in different ways after they've been downloaded: your student can type his answers directly into the pdf document, and save to the computer; or the document can be printed off, and your student can hand write the answers in.
Silver Chair - E-Guide
When you're working through the study guide, your student will need access to a dictionary, a thesaurus, a Bible, and perhaps a topical Bible or concordance.

At the beginning of the study guide, you will find a synopsis, and information about the author, C.S. Lewis. There are some suggested activities to do before reading The Silver Chair.

The main portion of the study guide is divided by groups of the novel's chapters. For each group of chapters, your student will learn the meaning of vocabulary words. Other segments include things such as Thinking About the Story, which are comprehension activities; Understanding the Story, which is information to help your student better understand the nove. Dig Deeper has your student using his Bible to find what spiritual lessons might be found in the novel. As-You-Read includes specific things to look for while reading the novel. Sometimes there is an Optional Discussion at the end of each group of chapters section. The final section outlines Optional Activities.

At the end of the study guide is an overview, and After-You-Read Activities. There is a list of additional resources.

There is also an answer key.
I originally planned to use the pdf on the computer, so SJ's answers could be typed in. But my computer is acting pretty wonky these days, so I printed it off. That was a good thing, because then we could continue (attempting) to work on the study guide during Hurricane Irma.

Before beginning the book, it was suggested to learn about caves, so I picked up a couple books and a dvd about caves for SJ to read and watch. After that he listened all the way through The Silver Chair on audio book. Then while working through the study guide we read the chapters from DL's copy (he's been collecting and reading all of the Chronicles of Narnia books), and did the vocabulary and worked on some of the other activities for each section.

We haven’t reached the end of the study guide yet, but a couple of the after-you-read activities are to create a diorama to illustrate a scene from The Silver Chair and write a paragraph to explain the scene. Or create a timeline of eight to ten events from The Silver Chair, then create a PowerPoint presentation. This would be good to share at homeschool co-op, or something like that.

You can read our other reviews:
The Screwtape Letters and The Cay
The Golden Goblet
Stone Fox

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Because the Crew reviewed several other E-Guides, which are at other grade levels, you will want to read other's reviews as well. Just click the banner below. 
Study Guides for Literature {Progeny Press Reviews}

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