The interactive guide is a pdf which your student can fill out right on the computer, or you can print it off so he/she can write the answers in by hand. We chose the latter method, since I worked through the study guide with Little Bit dictating his answers to me.
The study guide contains a synopsis of Stone Fox at the beginning, information about the author of Stone Fox, followed by background information in regards to the setting of the story. There are pre-reading activity suggestions, as well as suggestions for essays and projects, and post-reading activities, such as learning about the Iditarod or sign language.
The main lessons cover two chapters at a time, and contain:
*vocabulary activities, such as drawing a line from the word to its meaning, then using the word in a sentence; choosing the meaning in multiple choice responses; or choosing the correct word from a word box to fill a sentence.
*reading comprehension questions, for example: What do Willy and Searchlight do at six o'clock each day?
*"Think About the Story" questions, such as, When Grandfather will not get out of bed, why does Willy think that Grandfather is just playing?
*"Dig Deeper" suggestion: Willy remembers his grandfather saying, “Yes, sir, there are some things in this world worth dying for.” What does his grandfather mean? Read John 15:12-14, 1 John 3:16, and Romans 5:7-8. What do these verses tell us is worth dying for?
I purchased the Kindle version of Stone Fox, as well as the audio book from Audible, so he could listen to the story and follow along in the book. A paperback copy can be purchased through Progeny Press.
The suggestion is to read through the book, before beginning the comprehension questions, etc., which he did all in one sitting. Then we read each pair of chapters as we went through the study guide, to answer the comprehension questions, digging deeper, etc.
We enjoyed the story, which is set in Wyoming, and discusses sled dogs and dog sled racing (a subject I have loved since my early childhood).
Your student will learn about synonyms and antonyms, similes and metaphors, paradox, and point of view. He will also learn about fact and opinion, and cause and effect. Little Bit most enjoyed the word search, and the review puzzle race.
The study guides we previously reviewed were: Jen reviewed The Screwtape Letters, while Botanist Boy reviewed The Cay. Botanist Boy reviewed The Golden Goblet another year. I think Little Bit enjoyed Stone Fox as much as his older siblings enjoyed the study guides they used.
If you are looking for literature study guides with a Christian perspective, I recommend Progeny Press. I'm seriously considering using the Introduction to Poetry: Forms and Elements guide with Botanist Boy later this year.
You can connect with Progeny Press on social media:
Be sure to read the rest of the Crews' reviews, since we reviewed several different study guides.

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