The Sampler Pack contains 10 of the most popular Gospel Tracts and Evangelism Tools by Let the Little Children Come:
John 3:16 Animated Tract
The True Story of Christmas Animated Tract
Where's Everybody Going Animated Tract
The Most Amazing House Pop-up Tract
The Lost Easter Egg Pop-up Tract
John 3:16 FlipAbout
Gospel Buttons FlipAbout
Wordless Bracelet Kit
Silicone Salvation Bracelet
Wordless Book
The Animated Tracts are fun. There is a little screen you slide back and forth over the pictures, which creates the illusion of movement. The earth spins. People walk or run. The cross twirls. The hearts swirl. The heavenly city spins.
One of the teen girls in our church has been working hard the past few months organizing to prepare and ship Christmas Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child. She had a yard sale to raise funds for toys, as well as requesting church members to provide toiletries, etc., for the shoeboxes. I offered the items from the sampler pack to be used in the shoeboxes.
She raised enough funds to provide supplies for 12 boxes. A couple weeks ago, the teens in our church helped her back the boxes after church and potluck. That was a lot of fun. We look forward to seeing where they end up.
These tracts and tools would be great to hand out to Trick or Treaters who may come to your house. Or they would also be excellent tools at Vacation Bible School or Bible camp. With Christmas coming, the True Story of Christmas Animated Tract would be excellent to have on hand.
Be sure to check out the rest of the reviews by my Crew mates, to see more suggestions of how to use the tracts and tools. Just click the banner below.
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(Our previous review of the Is There Anything Better Than Candy? Box-Tract)

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