The Is There Anything Better Than Candy? Box-Tract, from Let the Little Children Come, would be the perfect thing to hand out to the candy-seekers coming to your door on October 31.
Petal one assures: Yes! Being God's friend, having Him as our Friend, is much better than candy.
Petal two assures: God loves you very much, and wants to be with you.
Petal three admits: We can't be with God, because we've sinned. But He sent His Son to this earth.
Petal four assures: Jesus came from heaven, died for our sins, and became alive again, so we can be with Him forever.
Petal five shares what steps you must take to be with God: admit your sins, and ask God's forgiveness; believe Jesus died for your sins; invite Jesus into your heart.
Petal six shares a prayer of confession, submission, and acceptance, you can repeat.
At our church, one of my boys' friends is having a yard sale in a couple weeks, to raise funds for Christmas shoeboxes. I may let her have these, to hand out to some of her customers.
Also, our church has a recorder ensemble. Periodically, they go to the nearby nursing home to perform. I may have my 15 year old go with them, and take these along to hand out to some of the residents. Hopefully they have another trip planned, during the autumn season.
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