In this day and age, when jobs are so hard to find and unemployment is so high, today I am grateful that my husband has a job, and one he enjoys so much (for the most part).
I am grateful my oldest son has a job, one he enjoys, one at which he is so well-liked. He is so well-liked and appreciated, that the last time he took a vacation week off, everyone practically cheered when he walked in after we got back home.
I am grateful my daughter has a job now, too, even if it is only part-time. She has developed a great rapport with her boss, and her boss takes good care of her! (Sends a free lunch home with her each day she works)
So, yes! I am very grateful for the jobs my family members have, in a day when jobs are so hard to come by.
What are you grateful for today? Stop by and share on Brenda's blog, and follow along through the month.
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