Sunday, August 12, 2012

"Not" Back-to-School Blog Hop: School Room Week

Welcome back to the "Not" Back-to-School Blog Hop! This week, you will be able to see hundreds of homeschool classrooms/school spaces.

We're actually very fortunate to have a room set aside for our school books and supplies. There is even a table and chairs in there, at which we could do schoolwork! ;-)

But I must admit, we don't do schoolwork only at that table! A lot of it is done in the living room, at the coffee table. The dining table is often used, too. I think Little Bit's favorite place is at my bed! My bedroom has white walls (the rest of the rooms have a darker paneling). It seems he and I both prefer the brightness of my room.

Since we also have a small hobby farm (goats, chickens, rabbits), our pasture and "barnyard" are also schooling spaces!

So, come with me now on a photo tour of our school work spaces.

Thank you for coming along on our little tour, as well as stopping by on the blog hop. To make sure you don't miss anything, please follow Life at Rossmont on Facebook.

Not Back to School Blog Hop
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1 comment:

  1. Wow, I love all the animals, what a great opportunity for your children! Love the shots of them all working around the table. Stopping by from the Hop. Thanks for sharing! :)


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