Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal~5

In my life this week...

The Lord really impressed upon me this week, my need for the Fruits of the Spirit to be exhibited more in my life, beginning with gentleness.

Also, I am reading a book, Lioness Arising, by Lisa Bevere. I sense a powerful message coming, through this book....I'll be writing a review for it when I have completed it; be sure to watch for that on my other blog.

In our homeschool this week...

Little Bit and I have been on an expedition to Ireland, thanks to Download N Go! (Be sure to read my review!)

We've also begun our geographic/history expedition to Africa. Looking forward to learning about this vast continent, the various animals there, history, missionaries, and even current events.

Places we're going and people we're seeing...

We had our usual town trip, for therapy, library, etc., on Tuesday. Lunch at Pizza Hut for BookIt! pizzas for the boys.

Yesterday we took a drive as a family to look at a house in a little rural town in Louisiana. The house is much cheaper than this one, with much lower taxes....but the drive time to hubby's work isn't much shorter than from here. The house is a real fixer-upper, with lots of potential, and the property is butted up against pasture in the back (so we wouldn't have to worry about trespassers). Hopefully the quiet neighborhood is an indication we wouldn't have to worry about vandals, either!

The kids declared that, if we move there, they would all move back to Florida without us!! LOL

My favorite thing this week was...

Our virtual visit to Ireland!!

And warmer weather!!

What's working/not working for us...

The warmer weather kind of works for us, yet kind of doesn't. It's nice to be able to spend more time outside, but it makes it hard to actually hold everyone's attention until the schoolwork is actually finished!! ;)

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...

I want to incorporate gardening more into our homeschool experience. We need to research what crops will grow here, and when to plant them, etc. I know that, as the prices of food go higher and higher, it grows more imperative to grow as much of our own food as possible! But where can I find the information I need, as to what will grow here, and when?

A photo, video, link, or quote to share...

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