Wednesday, April 11, 2012

TOS Review: Write with WORLD

Admittedly, I have always enjoyed writing. In fact, at one time, during my teen years, one of my career choices was journalism. Therefore, it has always been a great desire to see that my children also know how to write well.

Recently, members of the TOS Crew were given the opportunity to use and review the pilot program, Write with WORLD, from the publishers of WORLD Magazine, and God's World News.

Write with WORLD is a middle school writing curriculum, which contains a teacher's book, a non-consumable student book, and will have a website where students will be given additional writing subjects/prompts, the opportunity of being published, as well as a forum for homeschoolers and teachers. (The website was not available for us to review, but should become available in September, 2012).

Write with WORLD will expose your student to:
  • reading and critical thinking that develop discernment
  • contemporary subjects and professional guidance to pique interest
  • flexible exercises to build confidence and skill for using today's new media
  • a thoughtful and meaningful Christian worldview

From the website:
Writing skills are commonly deficient among students entering college, but the problem and its fallout begin years earlier. Poor writing skills hurt a student's performance on exams and in courses requiring composition. For Christian students, poor communication hinders the believer's voice from influencing their social circle and, ultimately, the broader public square.

Christians in particular should try to be the best communicators. They possess the truth and need to articulate a biblical worldview. Just as important, today's students must be discriminating media consumers - able to read, hear, and watch what the world is saying and to recognize the truth.
Botanist Boy doesn't like to write, except to write letters to his friends. Getting him started on this course was as challenging as "pulling hens' teeth"! (and we have nearly a dozen hens; trust me: they have no teeth!). His argument: He doesn't plan to be a writer or journalist! I told him it is important to be able to write letters well, though.

Once he finally settled down, and got in to it, he declared it wasn't so bad, after all! ;-)

I like that the lessons are divided up in to bite-sized capsules: daily assignments that are of manageable size. I really would like to see him continue with this curriculum.

The Write with WORLD full year curriculum can be purchased for $95.00, either year 1 or year 2, or both years for $165.00.

Contact Information:


God's World News
P.O. Box 20001
Asheville, NC 28802-8201

Phone: 800-951-5437

Be sure to check out what other Crew members have to say about Write with World.

Disclaimer: As a review blogger, I am provided a free copy of the book, curriculum or product to test and use in order to write an honest review. I receive no other compensation and the opinions I share are my own and not influenced by the company in question.

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