Monday, April 16, 2012

Blogging Through the Alphabet: H

H is for Hummingbirds.

If you've been following my blog for very a couple years or so, you know that one of my favorite times of the year is the fall hummingbird migration.

We end up with dozens of the little hummers around our feeders every day. We go through pounds of sugar during the 6-8 weeks or so that they swarm our feeders! 

They are back now, on their spring migration, and to stay through the summer. They just make my heart smile when I see them at the feeder outside my bedroom window, or at the feeder out the dining room window, or on the front porch or back patio. There is also a feeder outside the boys' bedroom window, and one outside the girls' bedroom window.

If you haven't seen this before, enjoy!

Be sure to follow along with the rest who are Blogging Through the Alphabet

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1 comment:

  1. I love hummingbirds! We have one of our hummingbird feeders set up right outside the window where the computer is so we can watch them while at the desk. 8-)


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