Wednesday, April 18, 2012

TOS Review: Bright Ideas Press--Christian Kids Explore Science

Science is one of our favorite subjects around here. It's even better when it's hands-on! The Christian Kids Explore Science series, by Bright Ideas Press, seems to "fit the bill" pretty well.

Christian Kids Explore Science is a user-friendly, undeniably Christian science curriculum, which includes teaching lessons, intricately detailed coloring pages, hands-on time, review sheets, and an awesome supplemental book list! Parents can choose from Chemistry, Creation Science, Earth and Space, and Physics.
These four books cover one year each of Biology, Earth & Space, Chemistry, and Physics. Set up to be used twice a week, these books are specifically tailored to the homeschool audience – multi-grade, easy prep, and a combination of reading/research and hands-on activities.
We received the Earth and Space book and Activity Book download to use and review. Some of the topics this book covers are: Earth's Creation; Facts About Earth's Structure; Lithosphere; Volcanoes; Earthquakes; Hydrosphere; Atmosphere; Earth's Weather; Hurricanes; Tornadoes. You can see the Table of Contents, and a Sample Unit.

We enjoyed reading through the "Teaching Time" segments; found them easy to understand, and informative. We enjoyed even more doing the Hands-on activities, though. My high school senior joined us, even though Earth & Space is designed for grades 3-6, by assisting Little Bit in creating his model of Earth's structure.

I'll admit, I'm glad God created our Earth's structure, and not my boys! ;-)

The cost of Christian Kids Explore Earth and Space is $34.95, and the Student Activity Book download is $7.95. Prices for the other Christian Kids Explore science books range from $34.95-$39.95 (although the Physics 1st Edition is on sale for $29.95), and the activity books downloads normally cost $12.95, but are currently on sale for $7.95-$9.95.

Contact Information:


Bright Ideas Press
PO Box 333
Cheswold, DE 19936

Phone: 877-492-8081
FAX: 302-526-1550


Be sure to check out what the rest of the Crew has to say about Bright Ideas Press science!

Disclaimer: As a review blogger, I am provided a free copy of the book, curriculum or product to test and use in order to write an honest review. I receive no other compensation and the opinions I share are my own and not influenced by the company in question.

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1 comment:

  1. I think it is really cool that your high schooler was helping out. My 15 year old helped out with our fruit and flower dissections. I love when the whole family can work together!


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