Friday, October 5, 2018

Books of the Bible At-a-Glance {Homeschool Crew Review}

This year SJ has been reading through the Gospels; next year he will continue through the New Testament. A new resource he is using is the Books of the Bible At-a-Glance from Teach Sunday School. When he comes to a new book in the Bible, he can read through these Books of the Bible summary sheets.
There is a one-page reference sheet for all 66 books of the Bible. Each book has its own one-page "cheat sheet," providing information such as who, what, when, where, and why.
Look at the information included, in the photo below. First you have the title of the book of the Bible.

Then you see what chronological order it is in the New Testament (or Old Testament); the author's name, when it was written, and the time period the book covered.
Then there is strip which shows where the book is placed in the chronological order of the books in the whole Bible, showing how many total books in each New and Old Testaments. You will also find the "claims to fame" for that book.
Beneath that are the famous stories from that book, and the most famous verses.
Each page ends with the most important points about that book.
Most Bibles don't seem to include much, if any, of this information at the beginning of each book. I am thankful to have such a Bible which does. Still, some of the information on these pages is different from what's included in my Bible, and in SJ's (our Bibles came from the same publishing company).
I help teach the teen Sabbath School class at church, so I was pleased to see that the terms of use allow me to print as many copies as I need for myself, my family, and even for my church family. Even though I offered it to members at church, so far no one has requested their own set of print outs.

I plan to have SJ begin placing the dates of the New Testament books in his timeline notebook. He'll also place the Old Testament books when he begins reading through them, in a couple years or so. This is such a handy resource. It is good for providing a visual placement in history.

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Several other members of the Crew received their own set of Printable Books of the Bible "Summary Sheets" as well. Simply click the banner below to read their reviews as to how they utilized them.
Books of the Bible At-a-Glance { Teach Sunday School Reviews}

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