Abby Ludvigson makes the topic of God's plan for sex easy and much more comfortable to discuss with your teens, using her Sex by Design course. This is a DVD-based course, which also includes a student workbook, and a parent/teacher guide.
The video contains 7 presentations, each approximately 20-25 minutes long. Abby is a dynamic speaker, and very engaging. She held my boys' attention (well, for the most part, where my 15 year old is concerned; definitely for my 17 year old).
The topics covered are:
Plan Ahead: Living Pure in a Sex-saturated Culture
Counting the Cost: Every Decision Has a Price Tag
Dating: Doing Relationships God's Way
Sex: God's Purpose and Plan
Modesty: God Cares What I Wear
Pornography: It's Deception & Steps to Get Out or Stay Out
Secondary Virginity: Running Back to God
The first step is to watch the video, together with your teen/teens. Then you will continue the discussion, using the guide books. There are also online resources to further assist in the discussion, and tools for implementing the "head knowledge" and turning it into "heart conviction." Only you and your child/children will know how long it will take to cover each topic; and you will probably come back to each topic several times over the course of their teen years anyway.
The student book has a film outline for each session. Your teen can follow along, taking notes by filling in the blanks along the way. Scriptures shared during that segment are listed, as well as Truth Statements. Then there is a follow up section, with suggestions for discussion. Following that is a section providing suggestions of how your teen can Personalize It, and ending with suggestions of how to apply it.
At the back of the student guide is a section called The Bible: Your Sword in the Battle. This will have you and your child digging deeper in God's Word, and developing a battle plan to combat temptation and develop convictions to remain pure.
The parent's guide provides suggested answers, as well as listing further resources.
Online resources include printable downloads, suggested books and articles to read, and key topics.

I had thought I might share this series with the teen class I help teach at church, but I just haven't gotten around to making the arrangements yet. We may go through it with at least one of the families, our closest friends, who are also homeschoolers.
At the age of 12, Abby attended a True Love Waits conference, and pledged to remain sexually pure until her wedding night. When these sessions were video-taped in 2014, she was still single, and a 33-year-old virgin. In 2015, she married the man God had prepared for her, and for whom she had waited.
There is a purity crisis in America (and the world!). Are you prepared to respond? Click the banner below to read more reviews by the Homeschool Review Crew.
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