Sunday, May 1, 2016

Y is for Yesterday's Classics

A few years ago, we were introduced to Yesterday's Classics, when we were reviewing for the Schoolhouse Review Crew. At that time, we received the Yesterday's Classics Ebook Treasury, volume 1 (225 books). Later I purchased volume 2 (106 books).

A couple weeks ago, I learned that volume 3 (104 books) was available! I couldn't resist, I had to purchase volume 3 as well.

Yesterday's Classics offers classic children's literature, which was originally published in the late 1800s through early 1900s. They offer print copies, as well as ebook versions (mobi and epub). I am able to have these ebooks on my Kindle, Little Bit's iPad, and Botanist Boy's Samsung tablet.

These books are great to use with any literature-based form of homeschooling, such as Charlotte Mason/Ambleside Online.

I will admit, there are some books I don't use, such as fairy tales. There are plenty, though, that make it worthwhile to me.

This year, Little Bit and I have been learning about birds, using the Burgess Bird Book for Children, from Yesterday's Classics, along with Learning about Birds with Thornton Burgess, from Simply Charlotte Mason, and Fifty Favorite Birds Coloring Book by Dover Publications. What fun we've been having, and I know that Little Bit is becoming more attuned to watching and listening for birds.

Anyway, be sure to check out the Yesterday's Classics collections. I am sure there will be something you will want to get.

Blogging Through the Alphabet” style=

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1 comment:

  1. That sounds awesome! I love new books, too, but there's something awesome about reading books that have been handed down for generations.


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