Friday, November 30, 2012

2012 Gratitude Challenge--November 30

Thank you for joining me this month on this Gratitude Challenge. It's hard to believe we have come to the end already! It went quickly! It has been a real blessing to focus on the things for which I am thankful; I hope you've been blessed as well.

I want to leave you this month with this song by Josh Groban:  


What are you grateful for today? Stop by and share on Brenda's blog, and follow along through the month.

Come like Life at Rossmont on Facebook, too, to make sure you won't miss anything.

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Thursday, November 29, 2012

2012 Gratitude Challenge--November 29

Today I am grateful for the wonderful man to whom I am married. He is a hardworking man, who works hard to provide for our needs. He does his best to teach the boys how to be men of God, and how to be diligent workers.

Today is his birthday. We're thanking the Lord for the many blessings throughout the past year.

What are you grateful for today? Stop by and share on Brenda's blog, and follow along through the month.

Come like Life at Rossmont on Facebook, too, to make sure you won't miss anything.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

2012 Gratitude Challenge--November 28

Today I am so grateful for my oldest boy...who is an awesome young man. I'm so proud of him. He has a job that he enjoys, at a place where they seem to really appreciate him.

This time of year (hunting season) he is crazy-busy at work, and puts in long days. But he seems to enjoy it...or at least enjoys the extra income! ;-)

What are you grateful for today? Stop by and share on Brenda's blog, and follow along through the month.

Come like Life at Rossmont on Facebook, too, to make sure you won't miss anything.

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Wordless Wednesday

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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

2012 Gratitude Challenge--November 27

Today I am grateful to be blessed with a lovely daughter. She has such a loving, forgiving heart.

She shows such courage in her battle with Type 1 Diabetes. And God has been blessing with miracles over the past few months (since she was kicked off Medicaid when she turned 19).

This week we had to take some paperwork to her medical care provider to fill out, to help Jen get insulin at a seriously reduced price. She also asked for some samples, to make sure she had enough to get her through the next couple weeks (since we will be away to have a family Christmas celebration with my folks, brothers and their families). I am praising God that she was able to get some sample!

What are you grateful for today? Stop by and share on Brenda's blog, and follow along through the month.

Come like Life at Rossmont on Facebook, too, to make sure you won't miss anything.

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Monday, November 26, 2012

2012 Gratitude Challenge--November 26

Today I am grateful for the privilege of being mom to my Botanist Boy. He is one amazing young man!

He has such a wide variety of interests (kind of like his mother! ;-) ): plants; rabbits; creating things with his hands, from things many people consider "junk." Wood working. Helping his step-dad with all the projects around here. He is a hard worker (when he's helping hubby!). And one of his newest interests: story writing. He's always been a story teller!

On top of all that, in just a few days, that boy will be thirteen!! Oh, I am so not ready for that!

What are you grateful for today? Stop by and share on Brenda's blog, and follow along through the month.

Come like Life at Rossmont on Facebook, too, to make sure you won't miss anything.

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Sunday, November 25, 2012

2012 Gratitude Challenge--November 25

Today I am grateful that God has chosen me to be Little Bit's mom. I love that boy! He has such a sweet heart, and most precious smile.

I love his passion for life. He loves animals, anything with wheels (typical boy!), numbers, and words. Even though he struggles, he is slowly learning to read.

Sometimes my heart aches so, because he struggles so much to express himself verbally. I'm sure it frustrates him a lot.

What are you grateful for today? Stop by and share on Brenda's blog, and follow along through the month.

Come like Life at Rossmont on Facebook, too, to make sure you won't miss anything.

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Saturday, November 24, 2012

2012 Gratitude Challenge--November 24

Today I'm grateful for the the lunch date hubby and I had! They don't happen very often, so it was a real treat. And that Eggplant Parmesan was delicious!

It was nice to have time to talk, uninterrupted, too, even if we didn't talk about anything of much importance.

What are you grateful for today? Stop by and share on Brenda's blog, and follow along through the month.

Come like Life at Rossmont on Facebook, too, to make sure you won't miss anything.

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True Religion Promotes Health

[Wisdom’s] ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. Proverbs 3:17.  
This world is not all sorrow and misery. “God is love” is written upon every opening bud, upon the petals of every flower, and upon every spire of grass. Though the curse of sin has caused the earth to bring forth thorns and thistles, there are flowers upon the thistles and the thorns are hidden by roses. All things in nature testify to the tender, fatherly care of our God and to His desire to make His children happy. His prohibitions and injunctions are not intended merely to display His authority, but in all that He does He has the well-being of His children in view. He does not require them to give up anything that it would be for their best interest to retain. 

The opinion which prevails in some classes of society, that religion is not conducive to health or to happiness in this life, is one of the most mischievous of errors. The Scripture says: “The fear of the Lord tendeth to life: and he that hath it shall abide satisfied” (Proverbs 19:23). “What man is he that desireth life, and loveth many days, that he may see good? Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile. Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it” (Psalm 34:12-14). The words of wisdom “are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh” (Proverbs 4:22). 

True religion brings man into harmony with the laws of God, physical, mental, and moral. It teaches self-control, serenity, temperance. Religion ennobles the mind, refines the taste, and sanctifies the judgment. It makes the soul a partaker of the purity of heaven. Faith in God’s love and overruling providence lightens the burdens of anxiety and care. It fills the heart with joy and contentment in the highest or the lowliest lot. Religion tends directly to promote health, to lengthen life, and to heighten our enjoyment of all its blessings. It opens to the soul a never-failing fountain of happiness. Would that all who have not chosen Christ might realize that He has something vastly better to offer them than they are seeking for themselves....

There is an intimate relation between the mind and the body, and in order to reach a high standard of moral and intellectual attainment the laws that control our physical being must be heeded. To secure a strong, well-balanced character, both the mental and the physical powers must be exercised and developed. What study can be more important ... than that which treats of this wonderful organism that God has committed to us, and of the laws by which it may be preserved in health?~Our Father Cares, by E.G. White.

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Friday, November 23, 2012

2012 Gratitude Challenge--November 23

Today I am grateful to be home in my cozy, comfy house instead of out fighting crowds for stuff we don't really need!

It was relaxing, to just sit and watch Christmas movies on Netflix with my beautiful daughter!

What are you grateful for today? Stop by and share on Brenda's blog, and follow along through the month.

Come like Life at Rossmont on Facebook, too, to make sure you won't miss anything.

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Thursday, November 22, 2012

2012 Gratitude Challenge--November 22

Today I am grateful to have a whole day with my family: hubby, and all four of my kids. They don't happen very often, since Tim works nearly every day. In fact, he probably won't have another day off now until Christmas day!

So, we spent the day, watching the parade, the dog show, cooking/baking, and eating....Oh, and cleaning up the kitchen two or three times!

A little bit of football has been watched; and even a Christmas movie, or two.


The Menu:
mashed potatoes and gravy
sweet potato souffle
green bean casserole
Harvest Nut Roast and gravy
cranberry sauce

fresh veggie tray
deviled eggs
chocolate pie
pumpkin pie
pecan pie

I hope you've had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day, too!

What are you grateful for today? Stop by and share on Brenda's blog, and follow along through the month.

Come like Life at Rossmont on Facebook, too, to make sure you won't miss anything.

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

2012 Gratitude Challenge--November 21

Today I am thankful for my family: my parents, my brothers and their families. I'm looking forward to spending a few days with them next month!

I am grateful to my parents, for raising us in a Seventh-day Adventist Christian home; for teaching us to have a love and appreciation of God's creation; for encouraging us to be independent thinkers.

My parents aren't feeling very well right now; please pray they feel better soon. I wish I could live nearby, like we used to, so we could help them out.

I'm looking forward to meeting my niece's daughter next month!

What are you grateful for today? Stop by and share on Brenda's blog, and follow along through the month.

Come like Life at Rossmont on Facebook, too, to make sure you won't miss anything.

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Wordless Wednesday

By the way, that's Little Bit's tiger, watching the Whooping Crane migration with me.... ;-) I'm often requested to "babysit" while Little Bit is doing pet chores.

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2012 Gratitude Challenge--November 20

Again today I am very grateful Tim and Jen have jobs! Because of their jobs, they were able to pay for the groceries we need for preparing our Thanksgiving meal! Actually, it was mostly Tim who paid for it. (Jen had to buy insulin today).

I'm not really sure why it happens, but it seems every year around this time (either November or December), the child support money either doesn't come, or only a partial payment comes, or it is extremely delayed. This year, we still haven't received anything for November. So not only do we not have money for groceries, but the Botanist Boy's thirteenth birthday is coming up very soon; hard to buy his birthday gift...

Thank you, Tim, for paying for our Thanksgiving meal!

What are you grateful for today? Stop by and share on Brenda's blog, and follow along through the month.

Come like Life at Rossmont on Facebook, too, to make sure you won't miss anything.

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Monday, November 19, 2012

2012 Gratitude Challenge--November 19

Today I am grateful that my hubby is a pretty good handyman, and he is teaching my sons to be so, as well. Well, at least the Botanist Boy is pretty studious about learning such skills! (the other two, not so much yet)

One of the most recent projects they did was enclosing the front porch, so the Botanist Boy's plants will be sheltered and somewhat safe through the winter.

What are you grateful for today? Stop by and share on Brenda's blog, and follow along through the month.

Come like Life at Rossmont on Facebook, too, to make sure you won't miss anything.

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This is the final Blog Cruise for the year! How appropriate that this week's topic is: I Am Thankful. We have so much for which to be thankful, don't we?

As you know, I've been participating in the 2012 Gratitude Challenge all month long, so you've been able to read each day some of the things for which I am thankful, by clicking on the Gratitude tab under "Categories."

*I am thankful for the opportunity I've had to be a part of the Schoolhouse Review Crew for the past approximately two and a half years. We've been blessed with the ability to try out and share some great products!

*I am thankful for the privilege, and awesome responsibility, to homeschool my children for the past sixteen years. What a joy it is, being able to tailor each child's education to focus on his/her strengths, talents, and special interests.

*I am thankful for my family: my parents, my brothers and their families, my husband and my children.

*I am thankful for the wonders of nature that God has created for our enjoyment and pleasure.

*I am thankful most of all for our Creator God, and our Savior, Jesus Christ.

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name.~Psalm 100:4.

Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving, and make a joyful noise unto Him with psalms.~Psalm 95:2.

I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify Him with thanksgiving.~Psalm 69:30.

How about you? What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? 

Be sure to read what other Crew members are thankful for this Thanksgiving week. (Link will go live Tuesday, November 20). Pin It Now!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

2012 Gratitude Challenge--November 18

Today I am grateful for the work that Operation Migration does.

When I was in ninth grade, my science fair project was about wildlife conservation. I covered an extinct animal (the Passenger Pigeon), a critically endangered animal (the Whooping Crane), and an animal that was making a come back, to some extent (the American Bison).

Ever since then, I have had an extra special interest in the Whooping Crane. When we lived in Florida, we had the wonderful privilege of attending several of the Dunnellon flyovers. Now, each year, I am able to watch the migration online! You can read more about it in the field journal.

Last month, I had an article about migratory birds posted on the Schoolhouse Review Crew blog, in case you missed it.

By the way, this year's "class" of Crane chicks is currently in Alabama, just a few more fly days from their final destination in Florida. Be sure to come by each morning, to see if they actually are flying, and watch on the live streaming web cam (which is attached to the ultralight, leading the chicks). It's awe-inspiring!!

What are you grateful for today? Stop by and share on Brenda's blog, and follow along through the month.

Come like Life at Rossmont on Facebook, too, to make sure you won't miss anything. Pin It Now!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

2012 Gratitude Challenge--November 17

Today I am very grateful for sunshine, and beautiful, clear-blue skies.

This time of year, I especially need these sunny days! They help to keep my health and attitude on an even keel.

What are you grateful for today? Stop by and share on Brenda's blog, and follow along through the month.

Come like Life at Rossmont on Facebook, too, to make sure you won't miss anything.

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How We May Keep God’s Law

His work is honourable and glorious: and his righteousness endureth for ever. Psalm 111:3.

One ray of the glory of God, one gleam of the purity of Christ, penetrating the soul, makes every spot of defilement painfully distinct, and lays bare the deformity and defects of the human character. How can anyone who is brought before the holy standard of God’s law, which makes apparent the evil motives, the unhallowed desires, the infidelity of the heart, the impurity of the lips, and that lays bare the life, make any boast of holiness? His acts of disloyalty in making void the law of God are exposed to his sight, and his spirit is stricken and afflicted under the searching influences of the Spirit of God. He loathes himself as he views the greatness, the majesty, the pure and spotless character of Jesus Christ.

When the Spirit of Christ stirs the heart with its marvelous awakening power, there is a sense of deficiency in the soul, that leads to contrition of mind, and humiliation of self, rather than to proud boasting of what has been acquired. When Daniel beheld the glory and majesty surrounding the heavenly messenger that was sent unto him, he exclaimed, as he described the wonderful scene, “Therefore I was left alone, and saw this great vision, and there remained no strength in me: for my comeliness was turned in me into corruption, and I retained no strength.”

The soul that is thus touched will never wrap itself about with self-righteousness, or a pretentious garb of holiness; but will hate its selfishness, abhor its self-love, and will seek, through Christ’s righteousness, for that purity of heart which is in harmony with the law of God and the character of Christ. He will then reflect the character of Christ, the hope of glory. It will be the greatest mystery to him that Jesus should have made so great a sacrifice to redeem him. 

He will exclaim, with humble mien and quivering lip, “He loved me. He gave Himself for me. He became poor that I, through His poverty, might be made rich. The Man of Sorrows did not spurn me, but poured out His inexhaustible, redeeming love that my heart might be made clean; and He has brought me back into loyalty and obedience to all His commandments. His condescension, His humiliation, His crucifixion, are the crowning miracles in the marvelous exhibition of the plan of salvation....All this He has done to make it possible to impart to me His own righteousness, that I may keep the law I have transgressed. For this I adore Him. I will proclaim Him to all sinners.”~Our Father Cares,
by E.G. White.
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Friday, November 16, 2012

2012 Gratitude Challenge--November 16

Today I am grateful for:

Just a *few* of the rabbits


Zena and Zoe


This is just a sampling of the animals we have. Currently, we have a total of one parakeet; one turtle; two dogs; four cats; two goats; at least a dozen hens and two roosters; and I have no idea how many rabbits!

What are you grateful for today? Stop by and share on Brenda's blog, and follow along through the month.

Come like Life at Rossmont on Facebook, too, to make sure you won't miss anything.

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Jesus is Coming Soon

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Thursday, November 15, 2012

J is for Joy {Blogging Through the Alphabet}

J is for Joy


(You can find more samples of the cards I can make to order, if you'd like)

Be sure to join the others who are Blogging Through the Alphabet.

Come like Life at Rossmont on Facebook, too, to make sure you won't miss anything.

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2012 Gratitude Challenge--November 15

Today I am grateful for the wonderful opportunity to be on the Schoolhouse Review Crew. It's been such a blessing the past (roughly) two and a half years. We have been able to try out some wonderful products: some that I had never even heard of; some that I'd wanted to try for years, but just never could finance it.

Today I am thrilled that Little Bit was able to finish one set of books (we received two sets). They are the I See Sam Little Books, from Academic Success for All Learners. You can go read my review. Little Bit struggles with reading, well, with learning in general. So, it is a big deal to me that he finished this set!

What are you grateful for today? Stop by and share on Brenda's blog, and follow along through the month.

Come like Life at Rossmont on Facebook, too, to make sure you won't miss anything.

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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

2012 Gratitude Challenge--November 14

Today I am grateful for running water, running hot water in fact. It was a blessing to be able to have a warm shower this morning when it was so chilly.

I'm also grateful for electricity, and for propane with which to cook, and heat that running water.

It's not prominent in the news anymore, but I am pretty sure there are still people without power, heat in areas that were affected by Sandy.

What are you grateful for today? Stop by and share on Brenda's blog, and follow along through the month.

Come like Life at Rossmont on Facebook, too, to make sure you won't miss anything.

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Wordless Wednesday

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