Monday, June 11, 2012

Homeschool Mother's Journal--Week of 6/4/12

In my life this week… We started out our week, with a very ill mama goat. That was not fun! We spent Monday and Tuesday doing everything we could to doctor her, and praying she'd recover. It was certainly a relief to see her up on her feet, browsing and chewing her cud on Wednesday. She is better, but still terribly, terribly thin.

In our homeschool this week… Well, obviously the first part of the week, our homeschooling consisted of goat care! ;-) But we did manage to get some math in, and some reading done.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing… On Monday, and on Tuesday, I had to go to nearby towns to find the necessary medicine and supplies for our Angie girl.

My favorite thing this week was… The enjoyment I feel while watching the kids play (yes, I mean four-legged kids, goat kids). They just bring a smile to one's face!

I’m praying for… A lot of time was spent in prayer for the recovery of our goat, and then in praising God for answering our prayers.

I'm also praying for God's guidance for my daughter, in her job search, and in what she ought to do about college.

Today (6/11/12) I am praying for a friend back in Florida. Her daughter ships out today for deployment; and her son (my oldest boy's best bud) ships out for boot camp. Praying for her mama heart!

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