Monday, April 23, 2012

TOS Review: Amazing Science

Have I said before that we love science?....Oh. Forgive me for repeating myself! ;-) Science is even funner when it's hands-on! Therefore, I was pretty excited to learn we'd be getting Volume 1 of Amazing Science, from Science and, to use and review. I knew my kids would be pleased as well.

Learn fundamental principles of science through Amazing Science Experiments! You'll learn about electricity, magnetism, heat, temperature, pressure, surface tension, buoyancy, and much more.

For every demonstration, a complete materials list is given, and each experiment features multiple camera views so you can see exactly what happens. Most importantly, every concept is explained in a step-by-step fashion. You'll not only be amazed - you'll understand the science behind every experiment!

As soon as we received the video, Little Bit wanted to start watching it right away. The rest of the kids were gone, so just he and I watched. He was totally captivated from the beginning!

I like the way each experiment is demonstrated; explained before-hand what you will need, how to do the experiment, and what will happen; then afterward, explain the science behind the experiment. Sometimes I felt like there was too much explanation before hand; I wanted to "just get on with the experiment already!" ;-) But I think it was good for the kids to hear it all.

After watching the first few experiments, Little Bit was ready to attempt one right then! So we did the first one: Color Changing Milk. We pulled out some of our goat milk; food coloring; Dawn dishsoap; and qtips.

I had never seen this experiment before. Frankly, I found it quite jaw-dropping. These pictures weren't from our first time doing the experiment, and didn't "turn out" nearly as well as our very first time.

Another one we had fun doing was the Ocean in a Bottle.

Currently only Volume 1 is available, but Botanist Boy has already declared, we will need to purchase Volume 2 (and any others, if there are more) when it becomes available!

You can purchase Volume 1 (which is a two-disc set), for $19.95. You can also purchase a download version, for only $17.99. Believe me, I think these videos are well worth the price! :-)

Check them out for yourself. Science and also has Math, Chemistry, and Physics DVD courses.

Contact Information:


PO BOX 1165
Seabrook, TX, 77586

Phone: 877-6284-383
FAX: 877-383-0444


Be sure to check out what the rest of my Crewmates have to say!

Disclaimer: As a TOS review blogger, I am provided a free copy of the book, curriculum or product to test and use in order to write an honest review. I receive no other compensation and the opinions I share are my own and not influenced by the company in question. Pin It Now!


  1. Love the Ocean in a Bottle!! What fun!

  2. Wendy, I enjoyed your blog which I found at the FIAR blog roll. Thanks for sharing it there. Kris


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