Most of my children (okay, 3 of the 4!) do not like math. I'm always searching for ways to assist them in at least learning math, and try to remind them that math is necessary in our lives.
We were sent Balance Math Teaches Algebra, which claims to be "a fun, entertaining way to teach Algebra."
Balance Math Teaches Algebra is designed to move from simple to complex. The problems involve critical thinking and computation. To students, these problems are more like puzzles, with just enough challenge to forget they are doing math!
Understanding algebraic equations and solving algebra word problems has never been easier or more fun! This visual approach uses balance scales to teach algebra. The balance scales provide an intuitive, visual, and entertaining way to master fundamental algebraic concepts. The puzzle-like problems ensure students are cognitively involved while they hone their techniques of simplifying, substituting, and writing proofs to solve simultaneous equations.Balance Math Teaches Algebra is designed for grades 4-12, so I had my 6th grader and 12th grader working on this. The Botanist Boy seemed to find it a bit overwhelming at this point (did I mention, he is one of my children who does not like math?!). I am hoping in a couple years he'll be a bit more ready for it!
My 12th grader had a much easier time, since she has already had Algebra 1 and 2. It was a good review for her, though, and maybe helped solidify the processes, etc.
The price of Balance Math Teaches Algebra is $14.99, and is a consumable book, with 52 pages of worksheets, and Balance Tips and answers at the end of the book.
The Critical Thinking Co. offers many other products, and other Crew members reviews various others, such as Inference Jones, Crypto Mind Benders, and Mathematical Reasoning.
Contact Information:
The Critical Thinking Co.
P.O. Box 1610
Seaside, CA 93955-1610
Phone: 800-458-4849
You can see what the rest of the TOS Crew thought about The Critical Thinking Co. at the Homeschool Crew blog.
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blogger, I am provided a free copy of the book,
curriculum or product to test and use in order to write an
honest review. I receive no other compensation and
the opinions I share are my own and not
influenced by the company in question.
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