Monday, April 9, 2012

Blogging Through the Alphabet: G

G is for Gardening!

My 12 year old and I enjoy plants. We enjoy eating fruits and vegetables, and using herbs in our cooking, so we enjoy growing them, too. My 12 year old Botanist Boy also enjoys houseplants, and starting plants from cuttings, etc.

My ultimate favorite as far as plants go, are flowers.

All of these fall under the heading of gardening, as far as I am concerned! ;-)

Next month, many of us on the TOS Homeschool Crew doing 5 Days of Blogging. While I am certainly no expert on gardening, my topic will be 5 Days of Gardening, so I will be sharing more about our gardening experiences, etc., at that time. Be sure to come back then!

Be sure what my friends shared for their letter "G" in Blogging Through the Alphabet! Pin It Now!

1 comment:

  1. You have some lovely photos many acres are you on? Your gardens are inspiring! I would love to get back onto acreage. My girls grew up on 2500 which was great....3 kilometres to the letter just a few acres would be Australia acreage is very costly.


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