Sunday, November 21, 2010

Blog 30 Days of Diabetes--Day 21

Being Thankful – It’s almost Thanksgiving. What are you thankful for? Has diabetes helped you realize your appreciation for anything?

I'm not sure there is a whole lot to be thankful for, where diabetes is concerned. But having diabetes touch our lives so intimately has certainly made me realize my appreciation for a lot!!

I am grateful that we live in this day and age, with all of the advantages of the research and technology taking place. It makes life with diabetes easier to manage, as well as safer and healthier.

It certainly makes me appreciate more the fact that we homeschool, because it is easier to monitor her blood sugars, and her carb intake, etc. It is probably a greater struggle, though, to make sure we get adequate exercise, least, sometimes anyway.

I think diabetes makes Jen more aware of how her body feels and functions. I imagine she is more aware of that then I was at her age.

Every day with our family is more precious, even though it can be a struggle, because we have each other for love and support. I see how swiftly time passes; my children grow and mature; I know that, before I realize, they'll all be grown up and on their I treasure each day.

I am most grateful for, and proud of, the beautiful young lady my daughter is becoming.

I'll love you forever, Sweetie!! Pin It Now!

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