Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Wordless Wednesday, August 23 {with link up}

This is what I got for eclipse photos. I didn't have a filter of any kind; too bad.

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  1. My eclipse viewing experience and photos were very underwhelming too. LOL It was very cloudy so we couldn't really see much, plus we were traveling and couldn't take the time to stop and watch the whole thing. Your pictures are pretty though!

  2. Sometimes the way - still very moody photos tho.

  3. We had the makeshift cereal boxes with pin hole but cloudy and we were suppose to have at least 85% coverage, but saw the sun in the box the whole time and didn't get all that dark. What we saw on TV of how dark it got in places it went through was awesome.

    Peabea@Peabea Scribbles


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