One of Little Bit's favorite methods of schooling seems to be using various methods of technology, such as computer, online, or his iPod. So when he learned we'd be reviewing Samson's Classroom, he literally made a countdown on his calendar to when we'd receive the email with our log-in information!
It's also been mentioned before that he is developmentally and learning delayed. He struggles with reading, too, in spite of his eagerness to learn to read.
Samson's Classroom is an online series that helps students become better readers. Students can play engaging games which focus on three core building blocks: sight words, spelling, and reading comprehension.
Here is a video demo for you to view, which will explain how this program works.
- Sight Words with Samson is proven to help early readers master the 224 most commonly used words in the English language.
- Spelling with Samson will captivate your students and provides you with all the tools you need to improve the spelling ability of your students.
- Reading with Samson helps your students analyze reading material and learn how to draw conclusions and answer questions based on that material.
He especially enjoys working on the Sight Words, and Spelling, both of which he is able to do independently.
In spelling, the first step is The Study Zone, in which the child is learning the list of words. The word is said, then spelled, and used in a sentence.
This game, you have to help Samson run quickly, gathering letters, before that giant spider catches Samson. If the spider catches Samson, it wraps him tightly in a spider web. But Samson is able to break free, then can go on collecting letters. Little Bit had fun trying to avoid Samson being caught by the spider!
This game, Steven had to spell out the word before the walrus chomped the ice chunk out from under Samson. If he can spell it fast enough, Samson can leap to the next ice chunk.
Because Little Bit is a different sort of learner, he came up with the idea to write down the words in a little note pad or spiral notebook. Then he had to type them in fast enough in the games! ;-)
I couldn't help but giggle when I saw this list:
First, notice the colors used (yes! UF Gator colors! ;-) ). Then, notice the words written in reverse on page two. I thought we'd gotten him past doing that! LOL
He actually didn't do much in the Reading with Samson, the reading comprehension segment, because he isn't reading proficiently enough yet.
I had to read the passage to him, then go through the comprehension questions with him. Frankly, I just forgot about doing this with him, and he didn't remind me. Since we have the full year family membership, hopefully later on he will get more benefit from the reading comprehension segment.
Samson's Classroom is designed for grades K-5. Since it's a web-based program, it can run on any computer with an internet connection. I think it is very well worth the cost! Check it out for yourself.
Home (1 user) is $30.00 per year
Family (4 users) is $50.00 per year
Classroom (30 users) is $80.00 per year
More choices, as well
Contact Information:
242 Union Street
Suite 2A
Schenectady, NY 12305
Phone: 518-356-0039
Remember to check out what the rest of the Crew has to say about Samson's Classroom.
Disclaimer: As a Schoolhouse Review Crew blogger, I am provided a free
copy of the book, curriculum or product to test and use in order to
write an honest review. I receive no other compensation and the opinions
I share are my own and not influenced by the company in question.
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