Do you remember, as a child, learning multiplication facts in the traditional way: memorizing the multiplication table? Confession: I never memorized that table! :p (My dad, a retired math teacher, who taught 20+ years in church schools, and was my teacher most of my elementary years, was somewhat shocked a few years ago to learn that I had never memorized the multiplication table! ;-) )
Multiplication Teaching and Learning Made Easy is a new way to teach an old subject. This technique of teaching multiplication facts was designed to lessen the difficulty and to minimize the time required in memorizing the multiplication facts. Mastery of the facts will be evident within a few short weeks when using this method. Your child can then move on to higher levels of math successfully.
We received the Homeschool Multiplication Made Easy Package. The Multiplication package is recommended for grades 3, 4 and Special Education, with grades 5 and 6 as optional. Included in this package:
- Lesson Plans
- PreTest
- Six Weeks of Daily Activity Sheets
- Post Test
- Games
- Flash Cards
worksheets |
tear-apart flash cards |
flash cards |
pre-test and worksheet |
Little Bit is more interested, quite frankly, because he loves math! With his delays, though, he just doesn't quite grasp the concept of the multiplication process. He's still working on grasping addition and subtraction. I'm considering checking in to the Homeschool Addition Package, which others on the Crew reviewed.
The cost of the Homeschool Multiplication package is: $24.95. So is the Addition package. Extra workbook/flashcard sets are: $12.95.
Contact Information:
Math Made Easy
P.O. Box 1482
Conway, AR 72033
Phone: 501-327-1968
Be sure to read what the rest of the Crew has to say about Math Made Easy.
Disclaimer: As a Schoolhouse Review Crew blogger, I am provided a free
copy of the book, curriculum or product to test and use in order to
write an honest review. I receive no other compensation and the opinions
I share are my own and not influenced by the company in question.
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