Monday, January 10, 2011

Traditional, or Not?

Well, a new calendar year has begun. We are "back to school" from our break....Or, are we? Did we even take a break?

This week's Blog Cruise topic addresses this very thing: Do you follow a traditional school day/time/schedule/year?

In a way, it is really hard to say, with our household. For the most part, I tend to say we "school year around." In one way, this is what we do. Yet, in another way, this is not what we do!

I know, clear as mud, right?

In the past we typically schooled August through November and January through June, with July and December off, as well as other breaks as we felt the need. For the most part, we still kind of stick to this "schedule".

The main reason for taking these two months off: three of my kids have summer birthdays (one the end of June, the other two in July); the other child was born the beginning of December.

The past couple of years, though, we have become more aware of the "traditional" schedule, because now we have to take into consideration my step daughter's public school schedule, when we want to plan family activities that will involve the whole family.

We really like the flexibility, though, of taking breaks as we need them, since sometimes I might have to make a trip to my folks', if they need me. And it is very nice to be able to take our schoolwork with us when we do go!

As for a school day schedule....Well, when does our schooling actually begin or end? Sometimes it feels like we work on schoolwork all day long....others it seems like we didn't "do anything"! It is more of a lifestyle of learning for us. Life flows more by routine than schedule. Often we will work on schoolwork on Sunday, since my youngest has therapy on Tuesday.

Flexibility is one of the biggest advantages to homeschooling, in my opinion. I am thankful for that! Pin It Now!

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