Monday, December 6, 2010

Memoir Monday--Week 11

It seems winter is making an appearance here in the deep south. I am not really ready for it yet--but then again, I don't seem to be too ready for it these years anymore, anyway!!

This brings us to the first question for this week: What was winter like where you grew up? What kinds of activities did you and your family do during the winter?

First of all, I grew up all there were several different types of winter and winter activities. 
  • We were in southwest Michigan until I was 8. We had some Siberian Huskies; in the winter, my dad would hitch them to the sled and take us on rides around our property.
  • Our next location was was eastern North Carolina. We certainly didn't have much snow there, as a general rule. I really can't remember any particular winter activities while there. My younger brother probably remembers better than I do....
  • We spent one winter in the panhandle of Texas. I do remember that we went to Santa Fe and Toas, New Mexico, to go skiing. I really didn't "catch on" too well, and didn't really enjoy it that much.
  • Our next location was southern Alabama, followed by Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Both locations scarcely receive snow. The dustings of snow we did get closed down the school, because the kids were all so excited they couldn't keep their minds on schoolwork. But, again, I don't remember any particular winter activities.
  • The boarding school I attended for high school was in southwest Tennessee. Winter activities there consisted of Sabbath afternoon nature hikes; Saturday night recreation; every February we had a spiritual retreat at a nearby state park.
What is the best piece of advice you received, and why?

That is a tough one, because I know I have received excellent advice from several different sources. But I guess one of the best pieces of parenting advice I received, when my oldest was newborn: Enjoy them while they are little, because they grow up so quickly! That is so, so true! It seems like only yesterday my oldest was a baby....and now he is 19, and towers over me! ;-) My 3rd child celebrates his 11th birthday day after tomorrow. Eleven!!! How can that be?

Please stay tuned for more episodes of Memoir Mondays!

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