It has been hard to wait all month to get to this day, to say how grateful I am for this man! I thank God every day for bringing us together.
Today is my husband's birthday. I want to celebrate in a big way....but he doesn't care much for that sort of thing. He says he doesn't care to even have his birthday remembered, but I love to remember people's birthdays!! ;)
If I had enough money, I'd buy the materials he needs to finish building the shed he started nearly a year ago! I'd buy him a new riding lawn mower. I'd buy him all the tools he wants/needs for all the little projects he wants to do around the house and yard. I'd buy the fencing supplies he needs to fence in the yard.
But, alas, all I can really do is maybe give him a little money for building materials; bake him a cake; fix him a yummy supper....and tell him I love him! ;)
He's a very special man. He works hard to provide for us. He works at little projects around the house. He tries his best to spend some quality time with each of the children, whenever he possibly can. He tries to teach my boys how to be Godly men, husbands, fathers. He tries to show our daughters the kind of man to look for in a future husband. He obviously loves children as much as I do.
He has a wonderful sense of humor, although some might call it crude at times. He appreciates nature, and likes to spend time out in the woods when he can. He gives me strength, when I feel so weak. Most of all, he is passionate in his love for the Lord.
Thank You, Father, for the wonderful man to whom I am blessed to be married!
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