Monday, October 18, 2010

Homeschooling during crises

This week's Blog Cruise question is: How do you homeschool during illness or family stress or crisis?

What family, homeschooling or otherwise, has never had illness, stress or other crisis to deal with? I know we certainly have had occasional rounds of stress of various sorts over the years.

Sometimes during those times, we end up just taking a break from schoolwork. For example, when Jen was first diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. She spent nearly a week in the hospital, and I was there with here nearly all the time. The hospital was 60 miles from home! So, I really couldn't keep up with the schoolwork, anyway.

Other times we switch gears, either by paring back some of the schoolwork, or by taking the day to watch some education videos, usually related to what we are or have recently been studying. Since we tend to be more of a unit/theme study family, we don't usually use workbooks. But I keep a few on hand, to use in times of stress, illness, etc., just for a change of pace.

Then other times, if the stress is running especially high, I might declare it a field trip day...and we take too the woods, or go visit a historical site. Just having a change of scenery can ease the situation, take our focus off it and place it on something enjoyable.

We also enjoy getting together with friends, another homeschooling family or two, and just have a "play date."

The main thing that helps during these times of crisis is to keep our focus on Jesus: pray, read Scripture, memorize and repeat His Word, and  let His presence be felt in our lives.

I hope these suggestions help in some way. To read what other Crew mates have read on this subject, be sure to go to the Blog Cruise. May God be with you always.
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