Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Happy birthday, my lovely daughter!

Today commemorates the birth of my lovely daughter. It is so hard to believe that 17 years ago, I was holding this beautiful newborn in my arms.

The hopes and dreams I had for her seem far away and fuzzy now. But my dreams for her may not necessarily be hers! Now she is on the brink of adulthood, and I have to learn to step back, let her make her own choices, even her own mistakes. This is the hardest part of parenting, I think.

I am so proud of the young lady she is becoming. She is tenderhearted, generous, peace-loving. She doesn't like conflict, nor does she like to "cause waves." Young children and animals seem especially drawn to her.

She is a strong young lady, stronger than she realizes....and in many ways, she is my hero. You see, she has a battle to fight, every day: the battle to keep her blood sugar under control. It is such a roller coaster. I know it tires her out, this constant battle she must never cease fighting...I know she wishes she could just quit....And I know that I wish I could take it from her!! But it has made her stronger; it has made her be more in tune with her body; it has even made her more compassionate toward others who also have chronic conditions.

Not only is my young lady lovely on the inside (for the most part ;) ), she is lovely on the outside. She has the most beautiful eyes, and heartwarming smile.

I love you, Sweetheart; I will love you forever!! And I will be glad when Jesus comes, so you will no longer have to struggle with diabetes. Keep your eyes on Him, and keep Him always in your heart.

Happy 17th birthday!! Pin It Now!

1 comment:

  1. A very belated happy birthday to your daughter ;)

    So it seems we have ANOTHER thing in common -- (I left a comment on another of your blogs about the homeschooling connection) -- a child with diabetes. My son, who turns 12 in December, was diagnosed almost 4 years ago.

    Too bad you live so far away -- we'd likely be pretty good RT friends! :)


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