Now, tomorrow is the "big day"....and, well, my heart still isn't ready! Does a parent's heart ever get ready for a day like this?
Anyway, it has been an amazing journey, watching my boy grow...physically and intellectually. It has been an exciting privilege to have such a large part of developing the young man he is becoming.
In many ways, he has not had a consistent father figure around, since he lost two dads. That has been heartbreaking for me. I used to long for men from church to kind of "step up to the plate." Ultimately, I prayed for God to be that Father to my children.
My boy is incredibly, artistically talented. I have always been amazed at his artistic ability. One year he did a pencil sketch of a male Mallard Duck. We planned to enter it in the Junior Duck Stamp Program, but good ol' Mom missed the deadline!!
He has always been rather introspective. Many times, I would "catch" him in nature, sitting deep in thought.
He enjoys fishing; golfing; cooking; anything weather/natural disaster related.
His most favorite place on earth, I think, has to be Yellowstone National Park!
But don't ever ask him to give blood, or come anywhere near him with a needle!!!
It's been a joy homeschooling him, watching him learn and grow...Sometimes when we are watching a show, like Are You Smarter Than a Fifth Grader, and he comes up with the correct answer about something, I ask him, "Where did you learn that?!" (because I know it was from something I taught him! ;) )...He'll say, nonchalantly, "Oh, I saw a program about that on the (history, science, discovery) channel!" And some things he has learned, just by doing, like changing tires, changing kitchen faucets, etc.
I've had the "privilege" of graduating him from 8th grade, and now, 12th grade. He's been allowed to "spread his wings" a few times, like junior camp the summer he turned 11; or the bicycle trip he took with friends from the church we attended in Florida. He spent months training for that trip! They biked around 350 miles, in the mountains of Virginia.
Now I have to step back, and let him take over the course of his journey. But my prayers for him will never, ever cease, and I will always, always be here to listen, to give guidance or advice if needed...And I will love him forever! I will always pray for God to guide him in his life choices, and in his choices of friends.
I love you, my son, always and forever!! Pin It Now!
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