Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Are you approaching the high school years of your homeschooler? This ebook will be an encouraging read for you! It is full of testimonies from those who have successfully assisted their teenagers through those years. Thirteen women have shared their stories of what homeschooling the high school years looked like for their young people.

Amanda Bennett wrote the introduction. She encourages us that homeschooling  the high school years “can be done with the Lord’s help and a generous dose of love and patience from both parents and students.” (page 5).

We already know that the homeschool journey looks different for each family…for each child in that family, even. The same holds true for the high school years as well. These ladies share how God has led them on those various journeys.

For example, one mother shared how her daughter struggled with reading all the way through elementary school; she was dyslexic, and suffered from migraines. They tried everything they could to make it easier for her. Then they had her treated by an upper cervical specialist for her migraines, and were overjoyed to see that it also greatly improved her reading abilities!

Since I have a child who seems to be dyslexic, and complains of headaches at times, I plan to take some steps in to checking out chiropractic care for him. After doing a bit of research of my own into chiropractic care, and it’s various possible benefits, I think it might be of benefit to at least three of my four children…and I know it would benefit me, as well. A list of upper cervical care specialists can be found here: Upper Cervical, Org.

Right now, I am preparing my first homeschool graduation, and, to be honest, I have been scared to death! I am very nervous that he really is not ready to move on to the next step in his journey, and that I have failed him somehow. Reading this ebook has given me much encouragement, because truly that journey looks different for each family, and for each child in that family. I have always schooled with the goal in mind that all of my children would go on to college, etc. But perhaps, just perhaps, that is not God’s intention for my oldest. If we remember to pray for God’s guidance, He will show us the way…even if it doesn’t look like our path for our child.

During the high school years, we as parents have to learn to let go more and more, and turn the reins over to our child. Just like when our child is learning to walk, we have to step back a little, watch them fall sometimes, but always be there to encourage, and comfort when needed.

The main theme throughout this book is well stated by Deborah Wuehler, senior editor for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine, in the epilogue: “God is faithful and He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” (page 110)

At the back of the book there is a list of  Author’s Recommended Resources, websites, and a list of other resources that can be found in the TOS Store.

This ebook can be purchased at the TOS Magazine’s Schoolhouse Store, for $12.45. There is also the ability to take a peek at the book for yourself on this page.

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