Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Life's wicked turns

Sometimes life takes such unexpected, wicked turns. It catches you off guard, bowls you over, and takes your breath away. The first quarter of this year was such a time for the kids and me. And we are still not quite sure "what hit us".

On February 20, my husband called from work; my mom answered the phone (this is, after all, her house). He told her he was going to come by sometime the next morning, to pick up his stuff, because he was moving out! I was the "lucky" one who had to pass on the word to the kids!

Because I didn't think the kids needed to go through the trauma of watching this process of him loading up his stuff, etc., I took them to a friend's house for the day. You know, he never asked about the kids or anything; he just started right in loading up his stuff. Then when he was finished, he came into the house to say goodbye to them! And was surprised they weren't here! (rolling eyes)

We heard nothing from him, nor saw him at church or anything. Then on March 4 he called--only to talk to the 7 yo! Lo and behold! He was calling from California!! He didn't even stop by to say goodbye to the kids before leaving!

One of the frustrating things about all of this, we had finally found a house that looked like it would be within our reach! I was preparing to start filling out the paperwork to get financing! Now I have no income, and hardly know which way to turn right now!

How are the kids doing? Hurt; confused; angry; sad. We are treading water, and kind of waiting for God to throw out that lifeline!

My prayer is, "O, come soon, Lord Jesus!!"

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  1. Our prayers are with you as you walk through the next to that our lord has for you. Your children are lovely.


  2. Praying for you and your dc. Praying for God's wisdom, strength and love to fill you.

    Lori (fiar)

  3. Said a prayer for you today!




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