Tuesday, May 2, 2006

Squirrel Relocation

When we lived in Montana, we saw how much the farmers and ranchers did not like the gophers, because they were such pests.  They will eat up a whole field, if you don't watch out.


Well, here, at least in our "neighborhood" we have learned what pests squirrels can be!!  Two or three in the yard, around the birdfeeder is not much of a problem.  But if you have a dozen or more, and they are starting to strip the bark off the trees and such, it is time for them to go!!


My dad purchased some live traps.  In the past 24 hours or so, we have trapped and moved half a dozen squirrels already!!  When we get the cage to the state forest, where we set them free, wow! do they take off for the nearest tree when that trap door gets opened!

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  1. I was watching the squirrels this morning. My yard looks like a squirrel reservation. They are beautiful but I have more than my fair share.

    Where did you get traps?


  2. How's the house coming?

    Just stopping by to wish you a Happy Mother's Day on Sunday! May you find true joy in your children and the blessing of motherhood.

    Praise God for allowing us such a wonderful, life changing experience as raising His children!

    In Him,



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