Thursday, November 1, 2018

Balancing Diapers and Deadlines {Homeschool Crew Review}

It's true, I don't have my own business (yet), nor am I still dealing with diapers, but as a member of the Homeschool Review Crew, I am a work-at-home homeschool mom. Today I want to share with you a useful resource for work-at-home moms: Balancing Diapers and Deadlines, from Lisa Tanner Writing.

Lisa is a homeschool mom of eight, herself, including a child with special needs. She's also a freelance writer and virtual assistant.

Balancing Diapers and Deadlines is a 30-lesson online course, which is broken down into 8 units. It's self-paced, so you can move as slowly or as quickly as you want.

Units you will cover:
  • Welcome to Balancing Diapers and Deadlines
  • Building Your Foundation With the Basics
  • Minimize Your Decisions
  • Minimize Your Decisions: The Annual Meal Plan
  • Sustainable Growth
  • Growing a Business With Your Kids Around
  • Boost Your Productivity
  • Closing Thoughts
You can access the lessons by either clicking on the unit title, which takes you to an introduction to that unit; or you can click on "show lessons."
"Show lessons" will give you a list of the lessons in that unit. From there you can click on the lesson you wish to go to.
Each lesson is full of useful information and helpful tips, not just for running your business with kids around, but also for running your home smoothly, and involving your children in both operating your business and running your home.

After you read through the lesson, there is an action step to follow. Sometimes they are quick, easy steps; sometimes they will take a few days to ponder and complete. Sometimes you will do them on your own; sometimes you will involve the rest of the family.
After you've completed the lesson, you can mark the lesson completed. When you're ready to move on to the next less, you can click the "next" button at the bottom.

Sometimes there are links that will take you to some of Lisa's blog posts that relate to the information in the lesson. Sometimes there will be PDFs that you can download and print off, to assist you in completing the action steps.

I'll admit, much of the information isn't new to me; a lot of it isn't pertinent to me at this stage in my family's life, since my kids are grown or nearly grown, and half of them are moved out of my home. But I'll admit, a lot of this information would have been very helpful when my kids were all home and much younger.

I'll also admit that menu planning is not new to me; I've tried to do it off and on over the years. But she presented a couple new twists to the whole process: annual menu planning, and themed meals. The information she shares for making the shopping list is invaluable! I will definitely plan to use those tips.
Even though we are down to just three left in our household, we may attempt the annual meal planning for the new year. Right now my printer is "on the fritz" so, sadly, I can't print off anything.

So far, I've only covered about half the information, but I'll continue working my way through. At this point, I am still in the planning stages of setting up my own work-from-home business, so I know the information the Sustainable Growth and Boost Your Productivity will come in handy during the early stages of my new business.

I would definitely recommend this course to mompreneurs who are also trying to run a smooth household.

Connect with Lisa Tanner Writing via social media:

Several other Crew members also reviewed Balancing Diapers and Deadlines, so you'll want to read their thoughts as well. Simply click the banner below.
Balancing Diapers and Deadlines {Lisa Tanner Writing Reviews}

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Thus end my reviews for the 2018 Review Crew year. We've decided not to return next year. I do plan to make a few blog changes (name change, maybe platform change), so be watching for that.

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