Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Real Life Press {Schoolhouse Review Crew}

Even though I guess I'd be considered a veteran homeschool mom myself now, it is still necessary to seek out encouragement sometimes. I was thankful to receive The Busy Homeschool Mom's Guide to Daylight, from Real Life Press. I received the ebook version; also available is a physical copy.

This book discusses "managing your days through the homeschool years," and is written in an easy, conversational style. Heidi obviously writes from the heart, and from experience--much to which I can fully relate! I mean, seriously, her oldest is about the same age as my oldest! ;-)

Sometimes I honestly feel like I'm just "burning daylight"...and half the night! There are all those little things that seem to waste time, namely computer time. You know how it is, you need to quickly look up something...and find yourself being distracted by something else you wanted to check on, and so on and so forth, like a domino effect. Suddenly you realize you've spent sixty minutes doing what should have taken only two! Or, maybe I'm the only one who experiences this.

In this Guide to Daylight, Heidi discusses Intentional Daylight and having a plan of action. In Organized Daylight, she suggests ways of controlling the clutter and organizing your "stuff." Scheduled Daylight offers ideas in preparing a schedule. Just remember, a schedule is a tool, not task master!
"We are stewards of our own time. We can blame it on whatever we want to, but for the most part, we are the ones responsible for how we choose to manage our time."

The chapter, Hungry Daylight, discusses menu planning and tips for meal preparation...like using the crockpot/slow cooker. Sometimes it is challenging to get those meals prepared. It's frustrating, when you are moving smoothly through schoolwork with the kids, and suddenly you realize everyone is hungry. I know if we don't eat promptly, some of us get a tad grouchy (um, yes, I mean me!).

Discouraged Daylight offers encouragement to, well, basically be vulnerable, and be willing to share with other homeschooling moms when we are feeling discouraged about this journey called homeschooling. We ought to share one another's burdens, if need be. We need to remember to pray for each other.

Since Heidi homeschools several children, she's learned what Consolidated Daylight really means. She suggests to consolidate as many subjects as possible. Frankly, when my mom taught, she did that as much as possible in the classroom, especially the one-room school in which she taught in Kansas once.

If we don't organize and schedule our days, we will end up with Wasted Daylight. It seems to happen to me way too often, sad to say. But if we learn to have Surrendered Daylight, our lives we be greatly blessed.

Whether you are just beginning your homeschool journey, or have been plodding along for several years like I have been, this book offers much insight and many tips for spending those precious daylight hours.

Other resources the Crew reviewed are: The Busy Homeschool Mom's Guide to Romance; Firmly Planted, Gospels parts 1 or 2, or Moses part 2; and Lapbooking Made Simple.

About Heidi St. John

Heidi is a wife, and a busy homeschooling mom of 7, ranging from preschool age to young adult. She is also an author, and radio and conference speaker.

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Real Life Press Review

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