Friday, June 27, 2014

Random 5 on Friday, June 27

1. Little Bit had his post-op check up this week. He's healing fine! And he's begun eating more than just soft stuff. Not up to the crunchies yet, though!

2. Tomorrow is my baby's 12th birthday. Wow! How did that happen so quickly?! He's a precious blessing, and I love him with all my heart. Today he made his birthday cake (I think Botanist Boy may have helped him some).

3. Some of our birthday traditions are:
  • Birthday person chooses the menu for the day
  • Birthday person gets to choose the DVDs to be watched
  • Birthday person often gets out of doing chores
  • Opens gifts at breakfast time
  • Of course, birthday cake!
Usually if the the kids have their birthday on the weekend, the kids and I do the celebrating on a week day, since these are all traditions we began before hubby and I were married; and so we don't interrupt what ever plans he might have for the weekend.

4. A month from today my oldest will be 23! Double yikes! How did THAT happen so quickly?!

5. Amazon sent me the wrong item that I'd ordered for Little Bit's birthday. So, I've spent a large portion of the day today trying to sort all that out! :p

Here is the last batch of the 100 Happy Days snapshots. Tomorrow is day #100!
 Progress on the church school
 It's almost time to start a new season of Whooping Crane watching!
 Homegrown tomatoes
 The teenager made this peanut butter fudge
 Sign at the dentist's office
 I LOVE this boy!
The birthday boy's cake

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  1. Our birthday traditions include letting the birthday person choose dinner for the day too. :-) My daughter has her birthday coming up this week and has already put in her request for dinner that day - fettucine alfredo.

  2. My birthday is the next in my house....I may choose to eat out!


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