Wednesday, May 23, 2012

TOS Review: Heritage History

There are two quite distinct purposes of history; the superior purpose, which is its use for children, and the secondary, or inferior purpose, which is its use for historians. The highest and noblest thing that history can be is a good story. ~G. K. Chesterton
One thing I learned during World History in high school, was just how boring history was! Since then, I've learned that history is boring, if you're using dry textbooks! But if you want to spark interest in history within your children, then using living books is a wonderful way to do that!

Heritage History seeks to promote the enjoyment of History. By making available old-fashioned history, as it was enjoyed as a pastime rather than studied as a subject, they hope to help reawaken the interest of a new generation.

Heritage History claims: The Heritage Classical Curriculum is the easiest, least expensive, and most enjoyable way to learn traditional history. Our "living books" reading program uses narrative histories that were popular with young people of earlier generations and features books of interest to students of all ages.

Currently Heritage History offers five libraries, each on a CD: Young Readers, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, British Middle Ages, and British Empire. They are configured to be complete curricula. Each CD contains around 50 ebooks, either in pdf, epub, or mobi, so you could print them, or read them from your computer, or load them on to your Kindle or Nook or other ereader.

 Also included on each CD are maps, timelines, teaching aids, era summaries, and study guide. You have the freedom to print off as much or as little as you wish!

We received the Ancient Greece CD to use and review. This collection covers Greek history from the earliest days of myth and legend, through the Golden age of Athens, to the Greco-Roman Era.

When we received the CD, I immediately loaded the ebooks on to my basic Kindle as well as my Kindle Fire, and then when my daughter received her Kindle Fire (graduation gift to her from her older brother and me), I also loaded them on to hers, as well.

The titles are color coded by level (beginner, intermediate, and advanced), and are recommended for grades 4-12. So it made it easy for me to choose books for my kids to read. Well, I read aloud to Little Bit, but Botanist Boy and Teen Girl read on their own. I think Botanist Boy got the most out of these; then again, he is my child who loves history!

Each curriculum CD costs $24.99. The whole set of 5 can be purchased for $99.99. Currently they have a Spring Curriculum Sale: buy 2 get the third free. Yeah, I had to take advantage of that sale! The Botanist Boy made sure of that! ;-)

Contact Information:


Heritage History
P.O. Box 901
Newman Lake, WA 99025


Be sure to read what the other Crew members have to say about Heritage History here.

Disclaimer: As a TOS review blogger, I am provided a free copy of the book, curriculum or product to test and use in order to write an honest review. I receive no other compensation and the opinions I share are my own and not influenced by the company in question.

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