Saturday, April 2, 2011

The Homeschool Mother's Journal~11

In my life this week...

I've had several reviews to write and post. Had days of errand-running, medical appointments, etc. I'm also started to look forward to next weekend (my high school class reunion), both with anticipation and dread. Anticipation in seeing my classmates, and all; but dreading the drive.

I'll tell you a secret: I do not like to drive, long distances especially. I am dreading driving through Jackson and Birmingham! :p I'm starting to wake up in the night with my stomach churning! :p

In our homeschool this week...

Teen Girl continued the Download N Go with Little Bit. The boys continued their online classwork: Little Bit with Reading Kingdom, GoGoKabongo, and BigIQkids; Botanist Boy with TenMarks and BigIQkids. And Teen Girl continued with Latin Alive!, Marine Biology, Life of Fred, etc. All this in spite of our various trips, etc.
Places we're going and people we're seeing...

Monday, hubby, Teen Girl and I made a trip to town, to do the maintenance on hubby's car, and for hubby to see a chiropractor. Tuesday, the three younger children had orthodontist appointments. Wednesday, Teen Girl had a dentist appointment. Whew! Too much traveling!!

My favorite thing this week was...

Probably just having a bit of extra time with hubby, and Teen Girl. It was kind of nice to have a trip to town, just the three of us. I am not sure I remember a time in the past when it was just the three of us.

What's working/not working for us...

I'm finding it just a little challenging to remain focused on accomplishing schoolwork right now, in anticipation of our upcoming trip, as well as during the process of getting my reviews written. But that's okay; we'll call it spring break! :-)

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...

I'm thinking I'd like to include even more nature study and read aloud time than we have actually been doing.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share...

In light of that last statement, I'd like to share a link to a live webcam on a Bald Eagle's nest. One eaglet hatched this morning. There are two more eggs, nearly ready to hatch. We've spent the day today watching it, and plan to continue over the next several days.

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1 comment:

  1. A great blog to visit that has amazing tutorials and outside study posts is i have followed them for some time. stopped by to visit from the thursday homeschool mothers journal linky. come over and say hello!


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