Thursday, December 9, 2010

Holiday Bliss 2010--December 8

For today, I want to share as my holiday bliss, an event that took place 11 years ago.

I had the wonderful privilege, and glorious blessing, of giving birth to a December baby boy.

He has sparkling brown eyes, full of humor and mischief (and those eyes were that way, practically from the day he was born!!), and a very large, endearing smile. Even at an early age, he had a special sense of humor, and seemed always full of joy.

I remember holding him, and thinking how Mary must have felt when she held Jesus close to her heart. It truly gave me a new meaning and insight into Christmas! That year we had a special dedication service for him at church, on Christmas day, and we were blessed to have my parents there with us for the event.

I am amazed at the special young man he is growing into. He has a passion for plants, and history. He's crazy about rabbits. He is very creative; he can make the most amazing creations out of what most people consider "junk"! He likes to keep his hands busy, and loves to help Grandpa or his stepdad with projects around the house or yard. He is quite taken with lighthouses, and has started a collection of them. He has a rather firey temper, but he is pretty quick to ask forgiveness. And he has such a tender, tender heart.

He has said, in the past, he wants to be a pastor and landscape architect when he grows up. Only the Lord knows for sure if that will one day be true.

This day, we celebrate him turning 11!

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