Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Blog 30 Days of Diabetes--Day 9

News – Thanks to American Diabetes Month®, diabetes has been in the headlines this week.  Did you see any diabetes articles that were interesting? Inspiring? Frustrating? While there’s no controlling what the media says, what topics would you cover if you were a reporter?

I don't follow the news all that much, so I had to go looking for any recent news articles about diabetes. Frankly, I couldn't find many. 

There is this one, found on CNN, predicting that diabetes in adults will probably double or triple by 2050. 

Or this one on The Boston Globe, sharing how efforts are being made in Massachusetts to reduce the risks of Type 2 Diabetes. I really like the idea of making places that make regular exercise more accessible and safer, like walking and biking trails.

I mean, seriously, I don't exercise regularly here where we live, because I don't feel safe going out for a walk. Where we lived in Florida, I did feel safe, and was walking nearly every day! So my risk for Type 2 Diabetes, as well as heart disease, only increase with each passing day here.

And we now live in the state that ranks 2nd highest in the nation for the ratio of people with diabetes in the general population, and tops the chart for being the most obese. Pretty tough odds for me now!

If only I could give some of this weight to my daughter....not too much, but enough to give her just a little more "meat on her bones"! Pin It Now!

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