The past nearly-six months have been busy, to say the least. Interesting. And a real time of growth, in many ways, for the kids and me.
Over a year ago I became part of an online community of wonderful Christian singles. I have had fun in the chat room, making friends with others who have gone through similar experiences: divorce, single parenthood, etc. Many of them offered prayers and encouragement as I was going through the divorce process, and answered questions for me.
I was there, just for fellowship, friendship, support. But it seems God had other plans!! Shortly after my divorce was finalized, God brought a man into the chat room with whom an almost instant rapport was developed.
First of all, he lives near Baton Rouge, Louisiana; I lived there about 30 years ago, when my folks taught in the SDA school there. His sense of humor, and his passion for God and the Christian walk, greatly attracted me to him. I looked forward to chatting with him each evening in the chat room. Soon he upgraded, so we could exchange personal contact information.
One thing that was kind of humorous: the age span he put in his profile for a prospective interest, went up to a year younger than I am; mine went down to a year older than he is! (Yes, I am older than he several years!
After exchanging personal email addresses, we began instant messaging each other each evening....usually for several hours at a time!! We talked about everything! Frankly, we were telling each other all our bad traits, doing our best to "chase each other off"! Instead, our attraction grew stronger.
We discovered we had many of the same interests, same goals in life, same hopes and dreams for ministry. We began to see in each other many of the qualities we were looking for in a potential mate.
Finally, we met in person...Memorial Day weekend. Then we spent a week together (with the kids) in Tennessee. Sometime between Memorial Day weekend, and our trip to Tennessee in July, we realized that God was growing a love in each of us for the other. Kind of took us both by surprise!!--He proposed while we were in Tennessee!!
Still no definite date set; tentatively, we plan a very simple ceremony in October.
He is a wonderful, on-fire Christian man, who loves kids.....respects them, and treats them fairly. And my children love and respect him, too....even the teens! He has three stepsons from his first marriage, as well as a biological daughter from that marriage. I have grown to love her as much as I love my own kids; and, frankly, she seems to love me pretty well, too!
All I can honestly say about the whole thing is: it is truly a God thing!! God brought us together. He placed this love here. I never believed in soul mates before.........but I do now!! And I believe JR is my soul mate!!
I want to say, thank you for the prayers of you who have faithfully prayed for us over the past several months! God is good, all the time; all the time, God is good.
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It's been amazing to see God work in your life, Wendy!