With Lee in Virginia is the third outstanding audio theater dramatization in Heirloom Audio Productions' series, The Extraordinary Adventures of G.A. Henty. We have long been fans of G.A. Henty. This drama is based on his book, With Lee in Virginia.
Notice some of the voices of the characters found in With Lee in Virginia: Sean Astin, Kirk Cameron, and his son James, Chris Anthony, and more.
We received this 2-CD two-and-a-half hour audio drama, as well as a study guide, ebook of With Lee in Virginia, the MP3 of With Lee in Virginia, as well as the soundtrack. Botanist Boy immediately loaded the MP3 on to his phone, and began listening right away.
In With Lee in Virginia, we meet fifteen-year-old Vincent Wingfield around the beginning of the Civil War/War Between the States. His family owns a plantation in Virginia. After the war begins, he enlists in the cavalry of the Army of Northern Virginia. We follow him throughout his adventures.
He finds himself fighting along side some of the most famous generals of the Confederate Army, such as Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson, and Robert E. Lee. We learn of General Lee's steadfast sense of duty and his devotion to God. He inspires Vincent, by telling him, "Do your duty in all things. You cannot do more, you should never wish to do less."
You will learn about the causes of the Civil War from the South's perspective, their fight to retain states' rights and their culture.
The study guide contains Listening Well, questions which show what your child has heard and remembers; Thinking Further, questions which encourage your child to think, to look up something mentioned in the story, to draw conclusions from the characters’ actions, or to speculate about the intentions, mindset, and character of Vincent, Dan, and their friends and enemies. Defining Words will enhance your child's vocabulary and understanding of the story.
There are also brief biographies of G.A. Henty, General Robert E. Lee, and General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson at the beginning of the study guide. At the end of the study guide, you will find Bible studies, about duty, and loving your enemies. Also discussed is slavery as found in the Bible, and a note on sectionalism. There's also a brief list of book recommendations for learning more about Robert E. Lee.
We've listened to the CDs a few times already, including yesterday while traveling with Tim to take Botanist Boy to meet my sister-in-law, since the 15 year-old will spend time at my brother's to help with Vacation Bible School at my brother's church. Yes, even Tim (age 24) was engrossed in the action-packed story.
If you'll remember, we also reviewed In Freedom's Cause earlier this year. Now we simply must get Under Drake's Flag!
Connect with Heirloom Audion Productions on social media:
With Lee in Virginia on Facebook

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